A Little Exercise for Young Theologians Helmut Thielicke 9780802811981 Books
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A Little Exercise for Young Theologians Helmut Thielicke 9780802811981 Books
This booklet is a treasure, though a treasure for those looking to grow in the discipline and understanding of dogmatics. Could every Christian benefit from this booklet? Yes. But it is aimed more at the student of theology, and couples together both exhortation and warning for the theological sojourner. The booklet has many strengths, of which I will mention a few highlights for me.1) The Marriage of Objective & Subjective Christian Truth - Both are critical in Christian growth. Conservative Christians tend to elevate only one while neglecting, and some even opposing the other. Bible study, yet no prayer life. Or prayer life without consulting God's counsel in His Word. Evangelicals have a difficult time with this because the traditions that typically wed them well together, are smaller denominations or just hard to come by.
2) Gentle, Yet Clear Admonishment - Too often critiques of people are filled with truth, but devoid of love. Thielicke possesses both.
3) Writing Style - It is honestly beautiful and warm. It's as if your Christian mentor of a decade sat down over 12 weeks and encouraged you with 12 different things to pray over in your walk. The way he writes is poetic in many ways, yet is trying to engage you practically as a Pastor would.
For a Christian looking to grow in the study and application of God's Word, as well as Christian Dogmatics (whether in seminary, local church, etc.), this is the top booklet to begin that journey. Highly recommended booklet - a must read.
Tags : A Little Exercise for Young Theologians [Helmut Thielicke] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <DIV>Introduction by Martin E. Marty A veteran theologian and minister offers his wise counsel to beginners in the field on the difficulties of practicing theology in a church often skeptical of theological pursuit. Thielicke stresses the importance of maintaining one's spiritual health in the course of technical theological inquiry.</DIV>,Helmut Thielicke,A Little Exercise for Young Theologians,Eerdmans,0802811981,Christian Theology - General,Christian Life - General,Christianity,RELIGION Christian Theology General,Religion,Religion - Theology,ReligionChristian Life - General,ReligionTheology,Theology
A Little Exercise for Young Theologians Helmut Thielicke 9780802811981 Books Reviews
A good read. Very practical.
Short, tender and to-the-point!
Thielicke takes fresh-faced seminarians down a notch... which is what we all need! Thielicke gently yet adamantly emphasizes the need for constant humility for those young men and women entering into Christian service as preachers, ministers or missionaries. The inflated heads of such people will be popped, which isn't a bad thing.
Amazing book that every minister should have. Can be a bit difficult to read at first but the author is brings very important points. Small go-to book with tons of information. Will definitely re read over and over. Kept Saying Amen!!!
This came recommended by our youth group minister. It is a great book for the newly graduated seminary student. My son needed this book to see what & how to treat his students and church members after graduating. I read it before giving it to him as a gift. It proves that they should continue learning and that they don't know it all just because they went to 7 years of school!!
Helmut Thielicke writes this insightful little book, which he would give out to new students in his Theology Class. (Thielicke was an esteemed preacher and theologian in Germany) This book is a quick little read but I would encourage it for anyone who is interested in Theology, or who knows someone who is interested in Theology. For someone like me it is a hugely convicting book, as if I was looking in a mirror and seeing all of my flaws that I have had when dealing with learning and discussing theology. For anyone who is not like me, it would give them a good explanation of those who are. It is a very humbling book as Thielicke cautions young seminarians to not think they know everything. He shows that head knowledge usually needs to be experienced in real life before it can be truly known. He explains that young men fresh into learning new theology often are like boys who have pants on that are to big for them. It is a wonderful book and I would highly recommend it.
Thielicke does a wonderful job of grounding the young theologian. He speaks of the "hiatus between the arena of the young theologian's actual spiritual growth and what he already knows intellectually about [an] arena". This encourages the student to not settle for a "second hand" faith.
Thielicke also does a tremendous job of grounding theology in faith. As he says at one point, "every theological effort is bound up with the act of faith itself". Faith (or rather Christ) is the goal and not theology itself. He even makes the bold statement that, "every theological idea which makes an impression upon you must be regarded as a challenge to your faith."
Thielicke's attempt in this work is to ground his students in the gospel--he succeeds.
What I Disliked
The book is obviously written to theological students; the language would be quite difficult for the typical beginning learner to swallow. Unfortunately, it is the typical beginning learner that really needs to hear this. Thielicke perhaps would have been better served using less lofty language.
The book first was translated into English in 1962. Some of the theological issues that cropped up in the Thielicke's time are no longer as pertinent. The book is dated--but if the reader can filter through some of the specific issues and see the heart of the matter he will be blessed.
Should You Buy It
It depends on who you are. If you plan on reading quite a few theological materials and growing in your knowledge of doctrine then get this little booklet. You can read it in a short setting and will benefit for a lifetime. If you are not going to be diving into many deep issues then your money could be better spent elsewhere.
This excellent little book is addressed to seminarians and is designed to help answer, what are we doing wrong such that a lot of churches are less than enthusiastic about seeing their young people go to seminary. Through it all, while clearly in favor of theological education, Thelicke is also extremely sympathetic towards the concerns of lay-people. His conclusion is to challenge young theologians to greater humility, in general and especially as they are in the early stages of beginning to pursue their craft (in what he calls theological puberty -- in the same way that a person can have a great singing voice before and after puberty but nobody really wants to hear someone's voice crack, there may be an in-between growing time when it is best to pursue humility and not be too quick to share your opinions). Highly recommended for both seminarians and those sending seminarians.
This booklet is a treasure, though a treasure for those looking to grow in the discipline and understanding of dogmatics. Could every Christian benefit from this booklet? Yes. But it is aimed more at the student of theology, and couples together both exhortation and warning for the theological sojourner. The booklet has many strengths, of which I will mention a few highlights for me.
1) The Marriage of Objective & Subjective Christian Truth - Both are critical in Christian growth. Conservative Christians tend to elevate only one while neglecting, and some even opposing the other. Bible study, yet no prayer life. Or prayer life without consulting God's counsel in His Word. Evangelicals have a difficult time with this because the traditions that typically wed them well together, are smaller denominations or just hard to come by.
2) Gentle, Yet Clear Admonishment - Too often critiques of people are filled with truth, but devoid of love. Thielicke possesses both.
3) Writing Style - It is honestly beautiful and warm. It's as if your Christian mentor of a decade sat down over 12 weeks and encouraged you with 12 different things to pray over in your walk. The way he writes is poetic in many ways, yet is trying to engage you practically as a Pastor would.
For a Christian looking to grow in the study and application of God's Word, as well as Christian Dogmatics (whether in seminary, local church, etc.), this is the top booklet to begin that journey. Highly recommended booklet - a must read.
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